Category: Miscellaneous
ERC grant for Noelia Barrabés
A molecule and its mirror image often behave quite differently. Noelia Barrabés is investigating how the formation of such molecules can be explained and controlled and has now been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant with the project HAND.
Job offer: Internship @ WoodKPlus (Summer 2023)
Job offer: Internship at WoodKPlus (Summer 2023)
LVA ProWriting 2023
Dear all, the creation of a research grant application is a challenging and time-consuming task. Strategic goal of the ProWriting 2023 course is to improve the capabilities and chances of (young) […]
Communication Survey 2022
Dear readers,after years of building up our homepage and our other communication channels alongside the development of Femchem, we want to dedicate this year to optimising our Femchem communication and […]
Sachspenden an “Obdach Ester”
FemChem sammelt in Kooperation mit dem Verein SAVT (StudentInnen AbsolventInnen der Verfahrenstechnik) Spenden für wohnungs- und obdachlose Frauen im Tageszentrum Obdach Ester. Spendenliste: Obdach Ester – Tageszentrum für Obdachlose Frauen• […]
Pregnancy & Parental Leave Initiative – Call for thoughts and experiences!
The FemChem Identity and Diversity team needs your thoughts and experiences for a new initiative towards pregnancy and parental leave. A significant challenge for women starting and pursuing their scientific […]