Our FemChem network is based on 4 teams with different main focus areas. Each team is represented in the board, where all major decisions are made at eye level with our chair women and a representative from the Committee on Equal Treatment at TU Wien (AKG).
Empowerment icons are created by Good Ware - Flaticon
Our Chair
Bettina Mihalyi-Schneider
Our chair woman Bettina Mihalyi-Schneider is a Senior Scientist at TU Wien. She is the Dean of Academic Affairs for Chemical and Process Engineering.
Our support
Friends of Femchem
Friends of Femchem are an important group of volunteers that support FemChems vision. They help out during our main events and seminars when all hands are needed.
Committee on Equal Treatment (AKG)
The Committee on Equal Treatment at TU Wien provides information and support for members and governing bodies of the university on matters of equality between men and women, equal opportunities without discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion or ideology, age or sexual orientation, and the promotion of women.