Our aim as the Communication & Information team is to increase public awareness and promote all Femchem activities and events! Besides spreading our mission, the most important goal is to attract and motivate new members.
Additionally, we facilitate internal communication and enable technical implementation. One of our main duties is keeping the FemChem webpage up to date, as well as taking care of the E-Mail correspondence. We also support the work of the other FemChem teams by sharing their news and activities. Moreover, we also send out the Monthly FemChem newsletter!
To keep up to date register for our MONTHLY NEWSLETTER!
To coordinate our work, the communication team holds regular meetings (1-2 times per month), where all the following steps are decided upon and set into action.
If you have some general questions or requests concerning FemChem or think some content should be shared on our webpage, please contact the Communication team at femchem@tuwien.ac.at!
The same holds true if you want to support our work by joining the FemChem Communication team.
Contact: ci_femchem[α]list.tuwien.ac.at