FemChem Seminar on Origin

Seminar on Origin

15th April 2019

The kick-off of the seminar series from the FemChem Competence Enhancement Pillar successfully took place on April 15th, 2019.

Our first course was part of the hard-skill program: DI Markus Höhnen (ADDITIVE Soft- und Hardware für Technik und Wissenschaft GmbH) held a seminar on the use of Origin for beginners as well as advanced users. In the morning session, a presentation of the scopes of the program, open for any members of the chemistry department, was introduced and in the afternoon, a practical Q&A session with a limited number of participants was held. In this session, FemChem members had the possibility to receive professional advice tailored to their research questions that need the application of Origin as a data processing software.
Both sessions were best-attended. The program was supplemented by a buffet during the breaks for networking purposes sponsored by the faculty of technical chemistry.


Teresa Seifried: “The origin seminar has helped to get a general overview about the software. We got insights and advices of how to use different tools for the daily needs of a researcher, including data analysis and professionally presenting scientific data. I personally learned how to implement different layers into one graph.