FemChem Adobe Illustrator Workshop

Are you ready to design your next Scientific Poster in Adobe Illustrator?

We are happy to introduce the next FemChem workshop in 2024, where we will learn the basics in Adobe Illustrator

The workshop will be held by the experienced Graphic Designer and Senior Lecturer Wolfgang Haspinger from dieAngewandte and will be held in German.

What to expect?

The workshop will focus on how to build scientific posters in Adobe Illustrator from scratch (or sketch).

The workshop will be predominantly held in German (software languages German and English can be covered).

Specific topics to be tackled:

  • Basics about vector graphics
  • Basic tools and work flows in Adobe Illustrator (handling of layers and which tools to use for what)
  • Implementation of graphs plotted e.g. in Origin
  • Implementation of chemical formulas e.g. drawn in ChemDoodle or ChemDraw
  • Implementation of Microscopy images

What to bring?

Bring your laptop with an installed full version of Adobe Illustrator, which is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud.
Get it from TU.it (student version for 61€/y, employee version for 52€/y) or download the free test version which is valid for 7 days (ideally install it the day before the workshop!).

When and where to be?

DO, 12.09.2024, 09:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00 @ BI 03 Seminar Room

MO, 16.09.2024, 14:00-17:00 @ BI 01 Seminar Room

DI, 17.09.2024, 14:00-17:00 @ BI 03 Seminar Room

We are looking forward to seeing you there! 

Register HERE – Registration is open until the 9th of September!



