FemChem survey results

FemChem survey results


“Do you think that FemChem online workshop would be a good idea?”

We are really happy to hear that 89% of you think an online workshop organized by FemChem team would be a great idea!! Awesome! Now when we survived the first question, let’s proceed to the next step and find out what are your suggestions


“Would you be more interested in hard- or soft skills courses?”

Seemingly your votes did not let our indecisiveness sneak through in choosing only one type of the course, we need to organize both of them! Woohoo, this actually motivates us 😀  


“Are you interested in specific hard skill courses?”

Aaaand the winner of the Hard skills competition iiiis:
Be prepared for a hard, but useful online course


“Are you interested in specific soft skill courses?”

Aaand the winner in the lightweight category is: 
Leadership for groups


“Which of these other events you think FemChem should organize online?”

Wait, we are not done yet, there is one more category left:

  Von Frau zu Frau
An “Von Frau zu Frau” session is on the throne, with the most votes, and coming soon to your screens!

Thank you cordially for your participation in the FemChem online survey. See you soon!